
Adam Dunn's Revenge...Kinda

1-for-3, with a walk. Not exactly the thunderous response I was hoping for from Dunn to J.P. Ricciardi. I know beisbol isn't as passionate a game as football or basketball, and you can't just get over-adrenalined and go out and excel inside the game, and I know Ricciardi isn't going to step to the plate or mound or field over the course of this three-game series, but I think Dunn missed an epic opportunity yesterday to come out and start a national cult of personality...even if it's in Canada. Can you imagine?

"...And here's the once-slighted Dunn, rounding third on his second homer of the day, and he's pointing...what's he pointing at? Oh my, look! An airplane with a trailing message...RICCIARDI...CAN...SU--and we'll break for this sponsor's message."

Here's to hoping today he hits three homers and a triple with a flip over the dugout railing while making a great catch to end an inning.

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